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Are you a fan of bath salts? You might have many questions. From the benefits of essential oils to bath time during pregnancy, we’ve prepared the complete guide for you.

What Benefits Does Bath Salt Have?

The primary benefit of bath salts is relaxation. These products are often used in aromatherapy. However, there are other properties as well. Certain types of bath salts help to hydrate the skin, while others can serve as an exfoliant. By using bath salts, you can say “goodbye” to dead skin. Your skin’s tone will look completely different after a bath with salts.

However, be careful. Not all products in this category are gentle on every skin type. It’s best to choose products with natural and hypoallergenic ingredients, such as the five bath salts from the Deja Vu range.

Essential Oils: Pros or Cons?

Essential oils can generate mixed opinions. Since they are highly concentrated, any essential oil carries the risk of being irritating to the skin.

It is recommended to perform an allergy test before using bath salts. Otherwise, these oils can have positive effects on various conditions. Nausea, fatigue, and anxiety or depressive states can be alleviated by essential oils.

Even though essential oils don’t replace medical treatment, they can offer relief. One of the most calming and highly appreciated essential oils is lavender, which you can find in Deja Vu’s lavender bath salt.

You can also benefit from the essential oil of ginger, which is included in the Deja Vu “3 Clay” bath salt.

Don’t Forget!

If you have allergies, respiratory sensitivity, are pregnant, or breastfeeding, there may be risks. Always consult a doctor before taking a bath with salts, especially if you were thinking of using high temperatures for your bath.

Relaxation with natural ingredients is only possible when you know you’re safe and sound.

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