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Déjà Vu Natural ventured into the handmade soap industry without additives and preservatives. How we arrived at the creation of our 12 natural soaps, as well as bath salts and scented candles, is a story we’ll share with you shortly. It all began when we noticed how overloaded the labels of most products are. We asked ourselves if we could return to the simplicity of our childhood, when well-being was synonymous with simplicity. And when a refreshing and relaxing bath was accompanied by a soap made from just a few ingredients, with nothing extra. Not even fragrance.
Oh, să nu uităm. Nu ne-am dezvăluit încă toate ingredientele săpunurilor solide, ci te așteptăm să le descoperi chiar tu pe website. Puțin mister nu strică niciodată. Însă, în funcție de tenul tău, îți oferim noi cele mai bune recomandări. Ten uscat? Săpunul solid cu morcov! Ten gras? Săpunul solid cu lavandă! Vrei un ten mai tânăr și revigorat? Săpunurile solide pe bază de aloe vera și castravete reprezintă răspunsul.
Have you decided which is the perfect solid soap for you? Have you ordered it? We knew you were a curious and discerning person, which is why we’ve prepared a small usage guide to maximize the beneficial effects of Déjà Vu solid soaps, allowing you to embrace nature every day. We start gently by washing your hands and face with slightly cold water, refreshing and hydrating your skin, then following with warm-to-hot water and the solid soap, lathering it up. Why hot water? It activates the key ingredients of our soaps. The lather formed becomes your massage agent, which you will perform for one minute using circular motions, gently pressing your skin for oxygenation and improving blood circulation.
For harmony and a simple moment of respite, we have many other options for you. Not only among the soaps but also in the bath salts category. And if you want to extend your relaxation time beyond the bath, our scented candles are the perfect solution. The benefits of bath salts are countless, and we invite you to discover all of them on our website, where you can choose what suits you best.
A cozy atmosphere, a few unscented candles (or, why not, our scented ones), a bathtub filled with hot water, and Déjà Vu bath salts. It’s all you need after a tiring day. Thank you for choosing Déjà Vu solid soaps or bath salts. We promise you won’t regret it!